Stacey's Favorite Books

Friday, September 10, 2010

Noise in the Library

A relative of mine said to me the other day, "When did libraries get so noisy?"
"OOooh I said. Don't ask that too loudly. That really shows how long it's been since you've been in a library."

In fact, we do occassionally have a patron come up and ask when libraries got so noisy, but not very often.

    Part of the noise level, I think is the age. Building styles and people styles have changed a lot in the last decade or so. People have become more laid back. And our library, for example, is very open and inviting with tall ceilings. The tall ceilings tend to lend themselves to noise being carried throughout the library. When I answer the phone in the back, my laugh can often be heard up front and vice verse. When a parent brings their child in for storytime and they are crying because they don't want to leave, we can all hear it.
    So, on the one hand, it is a comfortable place to be and bring your family, feeling kind of like home. On the other hand, some people prefer the quiet. In an attempt to make all kinds happy, our library does have special study rooms and a room with computers where the door can be closed for those patrons that don't like the noise. And because sound does carry easily, we will say something if things are getting too loud.
     That said, a funny thing happened the other day. A patron fell asleep in the back on our couch. Said patron proceeded to snore through the next hour or so. Since our library is so open, it could be heard throughout the library. I wondered what I should do...wake them up, or let them be? As nobody complained, I let them be. Eventually, we did need to wake the patron up, but it's kind of a funny dilemma, no?

We strive to be a comfortable place where everyone feels welcome....

What are your thoughts?


  1. I think our library feels ALIVE - not disrespectfully noisy, but interested-type noisy. I love it!

  2. I rather enjoy the "bustling" feeling of our library.

  3. Me too!! I love the "ALIVE bustling" feeling! Always something going on...makes me feel quite comfortable and happy.


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