Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's in Your Library Bag Wednesday?

     Welcome to What's in your Library Bag Wednesday!!! I know I  missed last week, but have a few thoughts I'd like to share with you this week.
     I am just finishing up Brothers Blood by Scott Cawelti that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. It's only taken me so long because I shared it with my husband and his parents first, since I was in the middle of a historical romance that I was really enjoying by Christina Skye, but that's a story for another day.
     Back to Brothers Blood. As you know, it's a story about a murder that took place in Cedar Falls in the 1970s and for that reason if for no other, I am glad to be reading it. I think it's good to know about this major crime in our area's history even if I wasn't old enough to understand at the time.
     The major comment I have about this book is it's writing style. Scott Cawelti, if I remember correctly, is or was a professor in journalism and this novel reflects that. In the introduction, he tells the readers that he had to fictionalize some parts of the novel in order to make it more of a story and more enjoyable to read. And he does do that. But, the sentences flow like journalistic writing. They aren't exactly short and choppy, but they have the feel of newspaper writing. One chapter, he'll be talking about Jerry Mark, the murderer, and he'll be telling of a song he was humming while he drove his motorcycle along I-80. The next chapter will then start out with the facts of the story as they stand at this point. So, it kind of goes back and forth between more of a newsy feel and a more story feel. This style doesn't always hold my interest; it makes me want to skim as opposed to reading word for word. However, it did make the actual murder seem, "less", so that made sleeping at night easier which I was worried about at the beginning. So, it's a good style for the type of book, but not necessarily a good style for my reading tastes.
     What do you think?? Have you read it yet? Does this type of style interest you? Let me know...

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