Hello fellow readers!!! What'cha reading lately?? It's time for the latest edition of What's In Your Library Bag Wednesday!! I wanted to tell you all about our new website!!! The City and the Library have revamped our website!! It's beautiful and easy to use!! Hooray!! There is now a community calendar so you can go on and check out what's happening around the city on a given day and what's going on at the library too!! You should visit and tell us what you think!! http://www.waverlyia.com/library
While you are there browsing the new site, don't forget to look for help with your reading needs!! I've put a section up called, "If you like"...this type of book, try these authors. You can find it by clicking on the Services tab at the top, then choose the different pages to find the type of books you want to read more like!! Or just go to...http://www.waverlyia.com/library/services/readeradvisory/if-you-like
If you would like to see more like this, genres or authors, just let me know and I'll work on it for you!!
I also found another website that looked intriguing for help in finding more good books to read. It's aptly named http://www.whatshouldireadnext.com
My favorite way to find new books to read is still word of mouth. When I hear someone really loving a book, it makes me want to try it. However, when I am picking books out for say my daughter or my mother in law, I use sites such as these to help guide me since I am not an avid reader in the novels they love!! They are helpful tools in finding something new to read. I am a believer in always having something by my bed to read. It's a sad thing to be without a book to read, you know.
So, check out our new website. In particular, take a look at the" If You Like" section and find a new book to read. Like I always say, Read what you love and Love what you read!!
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