So, last Thursday all of us librarians attended ILA, Iowa Library Association, Conference in Dubuque. This is always a fun experience to get out together and get excited about what we are doing here at the library. We are each allowed to choose the sessions we want to attend, picking and choosing what we are interested in or what might be pertinent to our specific job role, i.e. teen librarian.
My favorite session that I attended was called, Going Clubbing: Spicing up your book clubs. Now we don't currently have a library sponsored book club, but I think it would be fun. Besides, I try and provide that type of interest here on the blog. Hey! Perhaps I should incorporate both....hmmmm....something to think about...
For now, I just wanted to mention that the biggest draw for me of this particular speaker was her enthusiasm! She was excited about reading and sharing and talking about her favorites with others. It got you excited, just listening to her and her energy. The other strong point to the young adult book club at the University of Dubuque, that she discussed, I thought, was the way they try to incorporate different forms of media into their discussions. Not only do they read the books, but during discussions, they might bring book themed foods; or listen to a playlist from the story or one the author created and wrote while he wrote; they might include you tube videos or clips from the audio book version of the story. How perfect! Because in today's society, we all have access to all of these different forms of media and they can really add to our reading experience. Plus, it's just another way to "spice" things up a bit. I think we get busy in life, cause really, what is life if not busy, and then we get away from reading books. By giving more visuals, we can bring back our youthful excitement about reading and sharing our reading with others. Nothing makes me happier than to have my daughter come home and tell me all about the book she is reading and how excited she is to finish it and see what happens.
I thought I'd include a link to the speaker's blog on the titles they have been reading in their Young Adult book club and see if her style of describing and incorporating might appeal to you and give you a new idea of something to read....Check her out here...
On another note...I'd love to hear your opinions on whether or not you'd like an online book club or a regular one or any other ideas you might like to see here...Leave me a comment and we'll go from there....
In the meantime, Happy Reading!
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