This story, at its heart, is the story of Hazel and Augustus, two high schoolers, both with cancer, and how their relationship develops in spite of, or because of the cancer. Abby says this book is great for adolescents because it makes you realize your life isn't as bad as you think. It deals with a lot of issues that teens face....parents, life, religion...afterlife, does it matter, should we care.She told me that the book is very emotional, but at the same time very "real". She could totally see this happening in "real life." It's a coming of age story with a twist.. John Green makes you see things like having cancer, very differently. He writes in first person from Hazel's point of view and the language is very much that of a teen, not that of an adult trying to write like a teen. Yet, he presents all sides of the story/issue and even some sides you didn't even think about. It sucks you in and makes you feel what it's like to be a teen and to be a teen with cancer.
My favorite quote of Kathy's about this book was that "it takes a big box of boo hoo" to finish it!
Finally, Abby says, "Everyone should just read this book!!! Just Read the Book!!!!"
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