Stacey's Favorite Books

Friday, February 1, 2013

From Our Recipe Box to Yours...

Homemade Goldfish Crackers

  • 1 C all-purpose flour
  • 4 T cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
  • 8 oz cheddar cheese (This is the fun part! Pick out whatever type of cheddar that you like! I used orange cheddar for half of the fish, as shown above, and white cheddar for the other half, as shown below. Both cheddars that I used were extra sharp because that's how I like it!)
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/2 t fresh-ground pepper
  • A fish cookie cutter. I got mine from CopperGifts.
  1. Pulse the flour, butter, cheese, salt, and pepper together using a food processor until the mixture resembles coarse meal.
  2. Pulse in 3 to 4 tablespoons of water, one tablespoon at a time, and only enough so that the dough forms a ball and rides the blade.
  3. Remove, wrap in plastic, and chill for 20 minutes or up to 24 hours.
  4. Line 2 baking pans with parchment paper and set aside.
  5. Roll the dough out to 1/8-inch thickness. (If you roll it thicker, it will still work, but the crackers won't be quite as crunchy. This dough rolled out so easily; you'll wish that you always worked with cheddar!)
  6. Cut out as many crackers as possible.
  7. Place them 1 inch apart on the prepared baking pans.
  8. Bake at 350 F until golden and crisp - 15 to 20 minutes.

Pinterest strikes again!! I thought these would be fun...

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