I don't know what type of a reader you are. Do you read several books at one time? Do you start one and finish it before you begin another? Do you have books stuck in every nook and cranny imaginable so as to never be without a book? I am typically a start one and finish it kind of a reader. Mostly because once I start a book, I usually get into it and want to know how it ends, so it's distracting for me to be reading another story when my heart is still in the first one. That being said, sometimes I forget to bring the book I am reading to work with me. I get back to the break room to take lunch and I don't have a book!! AAAgghh! Horror of horrors!! Fortunately, I work in a library so there is no shortage of books to read.
Recently, I grabbed "A Discovery of Witches" by Deborah Harkness off of our exchange shelf so that I could leave it in my locker and not worry about it being due. Now, I am never without a book on my lunch hour and I don't worry about forgetting the book I am reading at home. This particular novel incorporates lots of things I really enjoy in a book. There is the fantasy element since it deals with witches, vampires and daemons. There is the historical element since it takes place at Oxford and incorporates history along with the fantasy. Finally, the romance element; that integral part that just "makes" a story for me!
It's kind of slow going, since at present, I only read it on my lunch breaks, but it seems to lend itself well to being put down. I find the dynamics of the different magical creatures quite interesting and the idea of one of them trying so hard not to be what is in her nature. I can sense the love story that is surely coming and I am intrigued about what will be found out in the mysterious manuscript.
Lucky for me, there are two more in this series by Deborah Harkness and I can continue reading and reading!:)
Comment and let us know what type of reader you are and what you are reading right now! Maybe I'll add it to my bedside table.
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