Stacey's Favorite Books

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What's in Your Library Bag Wednesday? Late because of a technical difficulty, but still worth the read!

     It's What's In Your Library Bag Wednesday Time Again!!! Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the idea of a favorite author. A fellow book devourer, co-worker and friend, asked me the other day who my favorite author was. I was stumped. I have several authors that I will tell people, "OOhh, she's my favorite!", but I am not sure if I have an all time favorite author.
     What makes an author your favorite anyway? Is it someone who you like all of the books they've ever written; or perhaps you just really loved the one and it's your favorite book, so therefore your favorite author; or is your favorite author one you can read and reread their books? I guess, for me, a favorite author is one where I love at least most of the books they've written and I'd enjoy rereading my absolute favorites. That said, I don't think I have one all time favorite. I have a few authors that I'd reread. There are many that I really loved the books the first time, but don't really have a desire to read them a second or third time.
     I have mentioned before that I tend to get into ruts in my reading. For example, right now, I am totally into reading paranormal romance. It's just what I'm interested in. One of my all time favorite authors happens to not be a paranormal romance author. I would still call her one of my favorites; I'm just not that interested in historical fiction right now. I would however reread her books and have reread them several times. Who is it you ask? Diana Gabaldon with the Outlander series is one of my all time favs. I would also classify Laurell K. Hamilton as one of my favs. I've reread her titles and loved them a second time, too.
     Do you have a favorite author? How do they make it to your favorite list. Tell me. Maybe I can add another to mine...

1 comment:

  1. NPR asked for my top 5 Science Fiction/Fantasy books. It was a good things Series were allowed:

    Terry Pratchett - Diskworld Series
    Marion Zimmer Bradley - Darkover Series
    Anne McCaffery - Dragonriders Series
    David Eddings - Belgariad
    Robert Jordan - Wheel of Time Series


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