Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's in Your Library Bag Wednesday?

     Hey guess what?! It's Wednesday and time for What's In Your Library Bag Wednesday! Yay!!
     I must report, however, that I am still reading the Kitty series and have nothing new to tell you about. I did notice when I came in to work tonight that a lady sitting at a computer had checked out the rest of that series though, so now I must find something new to read. I have The Help in audiobook sitting on my IPOD and I have Water for Elephants in my bag. Maybe, eventually, I will get to these two hugely popular titles. I've only brought them home several times and returned them again as the mood didn't strike me. We'll see what happens this time...
     On other fronts, have you heard of the website Pinterest? I am new to Pinterest and in the exploring stage. It took me a long time to get going with Facebook, too, and even now I am a checker of Facebook, but not much of a user. Back to Pinterest, though. It's really kind of cool. Imagine a bulletin board out there in webland where you can "pin" all of those neat things you run across and want to keep/remember where you put. Voila! Pinterest. You get to "pin" to your heart's content and organize all at the same time. And, it's out there in webland, not taking up space or cluttering your own computer/house, if you get what I mean. Online storage for favorite pictures, cute sayings, magazine articles, recipes, recipes, recipes, cute craft ideas, decorating hints, best places to go to buy it, etc, etc. Everything and anything! You can follow your favorite bloggers; you can follow your favorite pinners. You can collect all kinds of cool stuff! And keep it organized, never to go digging for that one picture of that one craft that was a really great Halloween party idea, but must have fallen off its pin and now my house has "sucked" it up! It's all there at your fingertips!
     You have to send a request to be invited to join, but I think that's really a formality...Stop in and explore a little bit and soon you'll be "pinning" with the best of them!!

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