Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What's in Your Library Bag Wednesday??

     What's in Your Library Bag this Wednesday Reading Friends? I'd like to know...Let's talk...

     Do you ever make yourself read a book just because you think you should? A co-worker of mine was telling me about a book she was reading the other day that she wasn't really enjoying. She said it was taking her forever to finish. When I asked her why she was still reading it, she told me that her husband wanted her to read it and tell him what she thought of it. He loved it and couldn't wait to hear her opinion. So, she muddled through and today still tells me it was just wierd. I imagine she and her husband ended up having a spirited discussion as a result, which is worth something, even if she didn't particularly enjoy the story herself. Talking about books you are reading always adds another level of enjoyment, I think.
     As for myself, you know, I don't usually spend a lot of time in this endeavor. There are too many good books out there to read to waste time reading something I don't like, but sometimes I wonder if there are books I should read. You know, to say I did, to be part of that club. Like, the other day I was getting a book from the shelves for a patron, Jane Eyre, and not for the first time wondered if I should read it. In general, I haven't spent much time reading classics. I remember in high school, I had a class called "Great Books" where we read classic type literature and discussed it. It seems to me that it was easier then. I didn't really have a choice if I wanted to do well, hence my motivation to read them. And read them I did. I remember poring over Dante's Faust and Geoffrey Chaucer's middle english, and The Great Gatsby, to name a few. I even had to shut myself in the bedroom and read out loud to myself to make some of it sink in! Nowadays, it seems that if I think I should read something, it becomes more of a chore to read it, more of a challenge.What do you think? How do you read? Do you read some books so that you can say you've read them, or do you just read what you feel like?


  1. So, knowing who this co-worker is...I must comment. :) I did muddle through...and it was weird, but I'll probably still read the third in the series when it comes out. If for nothing else, for the conversation about it. You're right - talking about the book is sometimes just as fun as reading it. Especially when your opinions about the book, or your interpretations differ!
    For me, its fun to read the same book as my spouse...because our reading styles are so different. I read quickly, but don't retain near as much content as my slower paced hubby. It comes in handy when 6 volumes of Harry Potter later I can't remember something and he's right there to help me out.
    I think now maybe we should muddle through "Jane Eyre" together...seeing as how that's one I've thought I need to read multiple times.

  2. I agree that it's fun to read the same thing your spouse is reading. To give you something different to discuss. However, I'm generally the one providing him with the recommendations after I've read something interesting. I don't spend time reading something that isn't entertaining. And I admit that I don't read classics anymore. Classics tend to take a lot more concentration than I have to give right now. Read Jane's a good one! Maybe we should have a classics book club? :)


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