Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What's In Your Library Bag Wednesday?...

     Wow! It's Wednesday again!! Where does the time go? When school is in, everything just seems to fly by. I'm feeling like I need a change of pace in what I've been reading lately...
     When I was checking in books at the library today, I ran across Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen wrote The Happiness Project a few years back about her challenge for herself to find happiness in her life. She set a goal of a year and then set individual goals for each month in order to accomplish this goal. Little steps. I never quite get all the way through non-fiction titles...I really am more of fiction reader, but the idea of finding more happiness in life and being happy with what you've got where you're at has always appealed to me. This new book, Happier at Home, focuses on being happy not only in your house, but in your home life, the every day. Gretchen sets this one up the same way with one big goal and lots of smaller goals in order to get there.
     My reason for being attracted to this book is sometimes, I feel like being at home is just "work" and I'd rather go and "play" somewhere else...I have put my name on the hold list for this new book so I can gain insight into how other people look at the every day and perhaps implement something into my only daily routine because of it. I may not read all of it...who am I kidding? I likely won't read all of it, but I'll pick out the parts that interest me the most and glean all the info I can from it.
     Do you read non-fiction? If so, what types of books do you like? Do you read self-help type books or do you think they are ridiculous? Maybe you read to learn how to do something, like build a birdhouse or sew a quilt? Whatever you read, enjoy it!! If not, come in and we'll try to find you something you will...

Just Read!

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