Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What's in Your Library Bag Wednesday?

What's in Your Library Bag Wednesday is here again!!! Yay!! What are you all reading these days? What's in my library bag is actually a book about books...Huh? It's a book about reading...I am currently reading The Reading Promise:My Father and the Books We Shared by Alice Ozma. I know I included a book trailer on this particular book earlier and now that the book has come in I thought I should read it.
     The whole idea of this book is based on a Reading Streak that the author Alice and her father started when she was 9 years old. Trying to put off the time when his youngest daughter would tell him that she thought she was too big to be read to, Alice's father suggested a Reading Streak. Together they decided they'd read out loud together for 100 days!! Uncertain as to whether they would make it or not, they began their journey.
     The book chronicles their reading journey and all of the things going on in their lives, too, like divorce, and sisters going off to college and phobias of Alice as a child, etc. It is a heartwarming story about a father and a daughter and their love of reading that continues to bring them together. What starts as a small 100 days turns into thousands, as they never quit from the time they start when she is 9 years old until the day she leaves for college!! Wow!! I am in awe! I try to read to my children every night, but inevitably we get home late, or go on vacation, or, or or... and the reading doesn't get done. I think I should start a Reading Streak with my own children and share my love. I think you should start one, too!! Maybe, if you don't have children of your own, you could challenge yourself to read so many days in a row and see where it leads you....

For more information, you can visit Alice's website or check out the book here at the library...Start reading today!

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