Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What's In Your Library Bag Wednesday?

Here we are... it's Wednesday again and I am wondering what's in your library bag today? Are you reading something great that you can't wait to share with the rest of us? Or are you reading an old favorite? Maybe you aren't really reading anything at all...

I noticed today as I was checking some books out for a fellow paranormal romance reader that she was reading a series I dearly love and I thought that she had read them already, too. So, I asked her about it. Her response was, "Yeah, I've read those, but I am re-reading them right now because they are so good." I used to think this was such a funny thing to do. After all, with all of those authors out there writing all of those books, who has time to Re-Read anything? But, I've come to learn that there is a certain allure to curling up with a book you know is going to be good. You can be having a very stressful day and when you finally get to sit down and relax a little, (it might be 10 p.m. before you get this chance, but you take it whenever you can get it) it feels good to read familiar characters and a favorite story line. As I've been told by other re-readers, you usually catch something that you missed the first time around. Funny lines the protagonist says, making her more sarcastic than you remembered, for example.

This really makes sense because with my obsessiveness in reading a series from start to finish, I am usually so excited that I sit down and read a book cover to cover, barely taking a breath. When I do this, I am sure that I miss things, which only makes the books that much better when I take the time to read them again. And isn't it a real compliment to the author that you loved the book so much the first time that you are willing to re-read it?

To re-read or not to re-read, that is the question.


  1. I used to re-read. Perhaps this was back when I was younger and the books I read were much shorter.
    Now...not so much. Like you said. There is so much out there. I have a new "to-read" stack by my bed that doesn't allow me to re-read. Its pack it in, record that i read it, and move on to the next. Occasionally, if its a thought provoker, I'll give myself a day to dwell on it, and think...and then pick the next one up and dig in.

  2. I've read 3 Sherryl Woods books this week! They are good but I'm ready for something that I just can't put down! I think I need one of those Highland Romances!!!!


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