Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's in your library bag Wednesday???

Wednesdays come so quickly it seems. Some weeks I can read a book a week, and others not so much. I did finish a book this last week, but it was a re-read so you've heard about my romance fantasy love already. But, I do have some thoughts on books that I'd like to share with you today.

Inspirational Fiction. Do you read any? I have never really been a big fan. It just seems so "not real" to me. Ha, that's funny isn't it?? I read about vampires and werewolves and I'm saying that inspirational fiction seems not real. What I've come to realize is that all of us fiction readers have our own fantasy that we like to read. After all, it's all fiction and not true, right? So, some people want to read books that almost always have happy endings and the characters are never in any danger. They may even like a Bible quote or two thrown in every now and then. And that's okay. That's what they like. It's their "fantasy" so to speak. Whereas, mine usually involves romance and fantastical characters like vampires.  That's my "fantasy."

In an effort, however, to broaden my horizons and reading tastes I am taking some reader's advisory classes through the State Library of Iowa. The next one is on Inspirational Fiction. I am at a total loss. I need to pick a book and read it so that I can review it here on the blog before the middle of November. Since this has never really been my reading taste,  I don't know where to begin to choose an author or a book. I'm looking for any suggestions you might have and why you liked it. Please leave me a comment and tell me who I should read or what book I should try. I am hoping to enjoy dabbling in Inspirational Fiction.


  1. Francine Rivers...any of her books, but Leota's Garden and Scarlet Thread are good.

    Neta Jackson's Yada Yada Prayer Group Series, they are funny and good.

    Beth P's friend

  2. I totally agree--Neta Jackson's Yada Yada prayer group books rock. I own the entire series because they are so good.

    My favorite Francine Rivers is Redeeming love.

    Jan Karon--Mitford Series are phenomenal--I'm on my second read of those.


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