Stacey's Favorite Books

Monday, November 8, 2010

Is it the Holiday season already????

I know you’ll think this is crazy, but have you thought about Christmas yet? You know there are only 65 shopping days left until the big holiday. I’m just kidding. Kind of. I have never really been prepared for Christmas ahead of time, except for one thing. I try very hard to have my Christmas cards done by Thanksgiving every year so that I can hand them out at the family gatherings we attend. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t just sign 100 cards; I make them. A couple of years, I did an “I Spy” theme where you had to find certain objects in the picture that signified things we did throughout the year. Another year it was a “Where’s Waldo” theme. Last year, the kids laid themselves out in the shapes of the letters “Merry” for the cover….Since I really try to put a lot of effort into my cards, it usually takes me a while to figure it out and get it created. This is why I end up thinking about the holidays early, not because I’m a good shopper that can get everything on sale early and hide it until Christmas. I am not very good at keeping secrets anyway. *Smile.

This year is different only because I don’t have any good ideas yet. Hopefully, they are coming soon. But, what I have been thinking about is possibly making some Christmas ornaments for gifts this year; another thing that really must be thought about and started early. Maybe I am getting more organized in my old age after all. Nah!!

I have always enjoyed being creative and crafting, ever since I was a little girl. I would spend a week every summer at my grandma’s house doing and making all kinds of things. I learned to needlepoint and cross stitch to make magnets and bookmarks and all kinds of fun things. I loved it. My kids love to craft, too. They are always so proud of the things they bring home that they have made for mom and dad. My husband’s mom is teaching them to sew with a sewing machine now and they are creating all kinds of fun projects with grandma, just like I did.

Since one of my passions is photography, I have been thinking of making an ornament out of photos. I got a book called “Photojojo” (we have this at the library) for Christmas last year that has all kinds of projects for using your photos in creative ways. One of the ideas is a simple Christmas ornament. Not only is it cool, it not too involved as we all know how time just seems to slip away from us when we need it the most.

Because other people love to create and craft as much as we here at the library do, we are offering a series of special DIY (Do It Yourself) nights every month through May of 2011 that showcase a new skill or craft to learn. I am going to be teaching the photo Christmas ornament I found in “Photojojo”in November and Beth is having a Family Fun Night making gingerbread houses in December. Space is limited, so you need to register, but we would love to share a love of creating with you. Call 319-352-1223 or e-mail to soon to reserve your spot. And get thinking about what you want to do this Christmas season. Even if it just seems wrong to think about Christmas right now, sign up and we’ll break you in with an ornament you can gift.


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