Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What's in Your Library Bag Wednesday?...

     It's Wednesday my friends and I have something new I want to share with you for What' s In Your Library Bag Wednesday??
     Do you ever find yourself running out of time by the end of the day with nothing left to sit down and enjoy a good book with? I know I sure do, although there are days where I just make time. Most days, especially lately, I run out of time to read. And I miss it.
     A friend and coworker of mine recently introduced me to a new concept in reading. She sent me a link called daily lit,, and told me to go check it out. From this site, you can choose from hundreds of different titles and have them send you a five minute selection each day in your e-mail. Five minutes. That's all. Pretty soon, you've read the whole book in only five minutes a day. I can do that. I can find five extra minutes a day to read. This is doable.
     I had heard of something similiar to this along the lines of an online book club where you all read the book together through e-mails and then discussed it the same way. It always seemed quite intriguing to me. In this day and age, we all probably spend more time on our computers and smart phones and ipods, than anywhere else, so why not read and discuss a book that way? It just goes to show that reading is not, in the end, surpassed by all of that technology. We are just finding ways to use all of our new "techy" toys to read in different ways.
     So, if you find yourself craving some reading time and just don't know where in your day to find it, give a go and discover reading in a whole new light.

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