Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's in Your Library Bag Wednesday?

 Hellooo!! It's time for the latest edition of What's in Your Library Bag Wednesday!! I just gotta say, sometimes you just need a good fluffy book. Janette will tell you this is true...This year so far has been like that for me! I have all of these great books at home that I want to read, but I just can't get in to any of them right now. I don't know what my problem is. I love to read; I just haven't been interested in much of anything. Except,...Fluff.
     I had a historical romance sitting on my bedside table that I had taken from the exchange shelf here at the library months ago. Side note here, I always have a book stashed somewhere. I check out books and then I have paperbacks sitting around for when those don't interest me and I have favorite books of my own. Anyway, when I went to tuck my son in, I grabbed that paperback and started reading. Totally,1600 Scotland, Highland warrior, time travel, fiesty heroine, romance, FLUFF!! It was the best. It sucked me right in and made everything else just fall away. Perfect escape. I didn't have to think about it; I could fall asleep and if I lost my place, it didn't really make much difference; it was funny...Great Fluff!!
     The book was Warrior of Highlands by Veronica Wolff. A Harvard Master's student Haley Fitzpatrick is called through time by a witch to help the Campbell thwart Alasdair McColla. In a twist of fate, love wins and Campbell himself gets thwarted. Haley is a fiesty opinionated 20th century gal who takes Scotland by storm. Alasdair McColla is a true Highland Warrior and loves the strength Haley demonstrates, but does have to reconcile some of her opinions....It all adds up to fun and Fluff!!!
     So if you find yourself in a reading rut, try some fluff! It'll get you out of your funk! Promise!

1 comment:

  1. I certainly hope so. I'm going to open my fluff right after I pay bills tonight...what a funk to bust out of! :)


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