Stacey's Favorite Books

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What's In Your Library Bag Wednesday?...

     Hi! It's Wednesday and we're back to What's In Your Library Bag Wednesday again? I took a break from the Jodi Picoult novel Between the Lines, cause it just wasn't grabbing me. Now, I have the new young adult novel Legend by Marie Lu. So far so good. It's another dystopian society novel like The Hunger Games. I was in a bit of a rut reading only these types of novels once I got hooded on The Hunger Games, but then I went back to my regular reading of vampires and werewolves for a break and now I am back again. I've only read a couple of chapters, but there are good likeable characters already, so I want to keep reading. I think one of the hardest things to do in this genre of book is to write something different. Many of the dystopian society novels are so similar in how the society runs that they are quite predictable. I thought the Birthmarked Trilogy by Caragh O'Brien was so good because it was unpredictable and threw twists and turns that were unexpected. I loved it and am on the waiting list for the third one to come out.
     But what I really wanted to talk about was how hard it is to not judge a book by its cover. My daughter tends to read realistic fiction, unlike me, but read the Percy Jackson series and loved it. I took this as a cue and started branching out in what I brought home to her. Mostly, I got a, "no way!! Why did you bring that home? You know I don't like that type of book." So, I went back to finding her realistic fiction. Then, once school started again, she asked me to bring home "that book that I didn't want to read earlier this summer..." i.e. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I don't have any idea what sparked her interest to try again, but now she can't put the book down and is chomping at the bit for the rest of the series. That is like me. She hates to wait to read the next book when she finds a series she loves :)! So, what I'm really trying to say here is, don't discount a book that gets recommended to you on the first try or by the look of the cover or what you assume it is like. It's really hard to do. I was the same way with The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I didn't want to read it because it had aliens in it. I was told by enough people that I needed to read it that I finally bit the bullet so to speak and read it. One of my all time favorite books!!! Sometimes reading can surprise you!! Good books lurk around every corner!! Try a new one today!

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